How to transfer save data - Nintendo Switch

Published , by Donovan Erskine

The Nintendo Switch stores player data from games on the console itself, rather than in the cloud. That means if you buy a new Switch console, your save data will not automatically transfer over, you’ll have to do it yourself. Let’s look at how you can transfer save data from one Nintendo Switch to another.

How to transfer save data - Nintendo Switch

In order to transfer your Nintendo Switch save data, you will need two consoles - one to send the data, and one to receive it. Here are the steps, as shared on the Nintendo website:

On Console 1:

On Console 2:

On Console 1:

Once complete, your selected profile and the save game data associated with it will be on your new Nintendo Switch. It’s a good idea to boot up a couple of your games and confirm that the transfer was successful and that your data is there. The process can be used again if you have more than one account to transfer. The account and save data will be removed from the original console when the transfer is finished.

That is how you can transfer save data from your old Nintendo Switch to a new one. If you’re upgrading to a new model, or are replacing a damaged console, this will be necessary in order to retain your profile and all of the information associated with it. For more helpful Nintendo Switch guides, stick with us here on Shacknews.