Metal Slug Tactics will blast its way onto Nintendo Switch next year

Published , by Chris Jarrard

We got our first glimpse of Metal Slug Tactics earlier this year as part of Geoff Keighley’s Summer Games Fest and it quickly moved up our list of most-anticipated new games. Publisher Dotemu has been on a hot streak of late and their fresh turn-based take on the classic SNK franchise appears to have all the makings of a great time. During today’s Nintendo Indie World Showcase, it was revealed that Dotemu has plans to bring the action to Nintendo Switch when the game launches next year.

Metal Slug Tactics marries the classic arcade Metal Slug visuals with isometric tactical turn-based RPG elements. Players will recognize Metal Slug fighters Marco, Eri, Fio, and Tarma as the crew will make use of pistols, grenades, machine guns, armored vehicles, air strikes, and more. While dispatching the enemy will take longer over the course of a turn-based battle, the slick visual presentation of Metal Slug Tactics will ensure the chaos feels just as satisfying.

The final release will offer the following features:

If Metal Slug Tactics ends up being half as good as the trailers let on, gamers will be in for a real treat next year when the game launches on Steam and Nintendo's popular handheld console. Sometimes, you just need to take your battles on the go.