Shacknews E5 - Stonks panel on GME, meme stocks, and managing your risk

Published , by Chris Jarrard

Money makes the world go ‘round. As much time as we spend talking about how video games are art and have arguments over which smartphone is the best, the driving factor behind our favorite games and the newest tech is money. For this reason, we have been known to dabble in finance here at Shacknews. From coverage of video game publisher earnings reports to features on the forces exerting pressure on global markets, we like to offer some insight into the money side of the industry. 

As part of our ongoing Shacknews E5 festivities, we arranged for a panel discussion that covers some financial topics that have been dominating headlines so far in 2021, including Gamestop (GME) and other meme stocks.

Our panelists include Asif Khan, Blake Morse, and David Craddock. The fellas set off on a journey through markets, ledgers, and the stupid things some folks do with their money. If you’ve spent the last week being bombarded by new game announcements and trailers, feel free to mix it up with a little bit of financial education. The boys also sprinkle in some fun here and there so you don’t have to feel like you are going to school.

For more unboxings, reviews, and interviews with all the folks responsible for creating the biggest games and technological advances in the industry, be sure to check out the Shacknews and GamerHubTV YouTube channels.