Shacknews Twitch Highlights: Dauntless, The Stimulus Games, and Our 25th Anniversary

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Livestreaming is a big part of what we do here at Shacknews. From engaging let’s plays, to gaming news, and in-depth discussions, we’ve got a variety of shows that go live every week on our Twitch channel. However, it’d be quite the task for any one person to catch every minute of every stream, so we edit the best moments of the week into a small package we like to call Shacknews Twitch Highlights. The latest episode is up and ready for viewing.

This week’s Shacknews Twitch Highlights open up with the most recent episode of Pop! Goes the Culture! Hosts Donovan and Greg discuss the latest clip from the upcoming Ghostbusters Afterlife movie, while the stream is interrupted by an actual ghost. If you’re a big fan of film and television, Pop! Goes the Culture! is the place to be.

We then visit a very special stream, as we dove into some Dauntless with the developers behind the game. Every so often, TJ Denzer and Bryan Lefler are joined by a couple of developers from Phoenix Labs to play through the latest content in Dauntless, while also getting a behind-the-scenes look at the game’s creation.

This week, Shacknews celebrated its 25-year anniversary! We were originally founded on April 14, 1996, and did a whole lot to celebrate. We had a special ShackStream, where the staff got together to duke it out in some Quake. Shacknews was originally a quake fan site, so it just felt right.

That about covers it for this week’s Shacknews Twitch Highlights. If you want to see these streams in full, be sure to follow us on Twitch. For more highlight videos, be sure to subscribe to Shacknews on YouTube.