Cyanide & Happiness - Freakpocalypse - Making the game

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Cyanide & Happiness – Freakpocalypse is the latest adventure game based in the universe of 2005’s iconic Cyanide & Happiness web comic series. Recently, our video editor, Greg Burke, had a chance to sit down with Adam Nusrallah, producer on Cyanide & Happiness, as well as Roger Barr, the Assistant Director and Lead Game Designer on Freakpocalypse, and Kris Wilson, the creator of the series.

During the chat, the four talked about bringing Freakpocalypse to life, as well as how they had to balance not only it being the team’s biggest project so far, but also the struggles that come with branching out into new mediums.

Despite those challenges, though, Freakpocalypse shines bright for Cyanide & Happiness fans. In our review, Chris Jarrard writes,

“Freakpocaplyse makes a very strong first impression with its art quality and smoothness of the animation. It is every bit equal to the animated shorts from which it is inspired. South Park: The Stick of Truth is an easy comparison to make. Both games are virtually indistinguishable from their source material and as such, make it easy to slide right in.”

One of the most interesting things we learned during the chat was that the game was brought to life by the very same artists, editors, writers, and voice actors that have helped bring the Cyanide & Happiness universe to life since its creation in 2005. As such, fans of the original series will no doubt find themselves at home within the various point-and-click environments that await.

You can check out the full interview with Adam, Roger, and Kris using the embed above. For more interviews and other gaming-related videos, make sure you subscribe to both the Shacknews and the GamerHubTV YouTube channels. We’re always sharing new content to help you get the most out of the gaming world.