How to cancel subscriptions on iPhone

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Subscriptions are a dime-a-dozen in this day and age, and at some point, you’re going to find yourself with one that you want to cancel. If you’re using an iPhone, then the process is actually a bit easier than you might think. This guide will walk you through the process from start to finish.

How to cancel subscriptions on iPhone

If you find yourself with an unwanted subscription—or if you downloaded a free trial for something—then you can always cancel the subscription before it’s next billing date. While you can subscribe using your debit card, or by signing up on the site manually, a lot of apps actually allow you to subscribe directly through your iPhone, which can make it a bit confusing when you go into that app to cancel your subscription.

Follow the steps from left to right to cancel your subscriptions.

It’s important to note that some applications will immediately revoke your access if you cancel your subscription or free trial, so keep that in mind.

You'll need to confirm the cancellation. Some apps may revoke access immediately.

Now that you know how to cancel subscriptions on iPhone, you’re ready to take back control of the various apps that you’re giving money to. We’ll be sure to update this article should the required steps change at any point, but for now, you should be good to go. For more help with your iPhone, be sure to head back over to our iPhone or iOS page for more details.