Hitman 3 trailer reveals PS VR Sandbox mode

Published , by Donovan Erskine

IO Interactive’s rebooted Hitman series has been well received, delivering some of the best games in the assassinating saga. Hitman 3 is set to round out the trilogy this month with more daring missions and high-profile targets to kill. Hitman 3 looks to innovate and build upon the last couple of games and is introducing a brand new way to play. Those on PlayStation will be able to slip on the gloves of Agent 47 with the newly announced VR Sandbox mode, exclusive to PS VR.

Developer IO Interactive revealed the new VR Sandbox mode via a trailer posted to the game’s YouTube channel. With the games having such a focus on world immersion, VR felt like the next logical step for the Hitman franchise. In the trailer, we see Agent 47 in a chef’s kitchen, city, and a densely populated rave. We see how VR will factor into gameplay, as the player reaches their arm around a corner to shoot and kill an enemy that they can’t see.

The trailer also promises that VR mode will still feature that freedom of approach that has become a staple of the Hitman games. What’s more, the entire Hitman trilogy will be playable in VR once Hitman 3 releases, a solid reason to dive back into the previous titles for fans of the series. 

Hitman 3’s VR mode will only be playable on PS VR. Developer IO Interactive doesn’t mention if there are plans to bring it to other VR platforms in the future. Hitman 3 launches on January 20.