Desperados 3 design lead talks creative decisions, Switch ports, & what comes next

Published , by TJ Denzer

Desperados 3 was an absolutely stellar strategy title in 2020, bringing a host of wild west antics together with a healthy dose of real-time strategy design. The game’s massive maps are filled to the brim with gorgeous visuals as you try to guide your outlaws through bristling armies of enemies that will gun them down at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, the design of the game allows you to make your masterful plans to survive and thrive, and recently we spoke to Mimimi Games Head of Design Moritz Wagner about how these design choices came together among other topics.

Mimimi Games has a lot to be happy about. Recently the group moved towards self-publishing with grant support from the German government. That said, leading into that stellar news was an interview in which Wagner was happy to speak to various aspects of Desperados 3, the approaches to its design, and even some fun and surprising discussions. This interview took place shortly after the launch of the finale in the current string of Desperados 3 DLC: Once More With Feeling, which returns to the franchise iconic Eagle’s Nest location.

For better or worse, we got into the possibility of a Desperados 3 Nintendo Switch port, which Wagner discussed at length with us. We also got to talk a bit about what comes next for Mimimi. The team is preparing to work on its next game, and it was announced pretty recently that Mimimi will now be working on this next project (Codename Süßkartoffel), with the aid of a games industry grant from the German Government. It makes many of the questions on the topic of the future of Mimimi Games that much more interesting.

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