AOC is developing an interview-style show for her Twitch channel

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made a huge step forward for political awareness for younger generations when she streamed Among Us as a means to encourage more folks to vote in the Presidential election. After a record-breaking stream, AOC participated in a charity event on Twitch with more popular content creators. With a couple of major streams under her belt, AOC is looking to diversify her offerings on Twitch, revealing that she’s working on an interview-style show for her channel.

AOC’s latest stream took place on November 27, where she played Among Us with Jagmeet Singh, as well as popular streamers and content creators such as xQc and Alanah Pearce. During the stream, Ocasio-Cortez talked about how she’s working on the idea for a show where she interviews different political figures or content creators, while playing games. “I’m thinking about playing a game, or learning a game if the person I’m interviewing is already very much into a game, and playing with them on a semi-regular basis,” she shared in a clipped segment from the stream.

With AOC being a favorite and one of the more recognizable politicians among younger generations, a series like this could certainly help introduce larger audiences to politics. It also provides a fresh way for AOC to interact with her audience and introduce them to new personalities, as we’ve seen she’s not the only political figure into gaming (Ilhan Omar and Jagmeet Singh, for example). 

There’s no exact timetable or launch window for AOC’s new interview series, as the idea is still in the early stages of development. When it does begin, it’ll be over on AOC’s official Twitch channel. We’ll continue to update you on the congresswoman’s foray into the world of streaming right here on Shacknews.