Desperados 3's latest DLC features cannons & a return to an iconic series location

Published , by TJ Denzer

A season of glorious missions, heists, and other western gang adventure is coming to an end in Desperados 3, and John Cooper and company are going out with a bang. Not only does this latest DLC return players to an illustrious location in the Desperados franchise, but it also brings enough firepower to breach it as players get to use cannons in this latest mission.

THQ Nordic and Mimimi Games launched the final chapter of the Money for the Vultures Season Pass questline on November 3, 2020, complete with a trailer on the THQ Nordic YouTube channel. Once More With Feeling is the third and final chapter of the Desperados 3 Season Pass. Following a couple stellar missions already, Once More With Feeling returns players to Eagle’s Nest. A giant and legendary bandit fortress that first appeared in Desperados 2: Cooper’s Revenge. With some time having passed since Desperados 2 back in 2006, Mimimi Games has rebuilt the interesting locale as a vast and sprawling desert stronghold of forts, lookouts, nooks, crannies, and, of course, thieves, killers, and gunmen galore.

With members of your gang caught up in trouble, you’re going to have to gather them together one by one before you truly take on the stronghold of Eagle’s Nest and get your hands on the vast fortune that awaits inside. Once More With Feeling is currently just $4 as an add-on to Desperados 3, or you can get the whole season of missions, featuring Part 1: Late to the Party, Part 2: Five Steps ahead, and their equally sprawling missions for $13.

Desperados 3 was a fantastic blend of stealth and strategy that would make a Commandos fan blush and won our hearts in our Shacknews review. If you haven’t checked out the base game yet, be sure to do so, and if you’re looking for more Desperados 3, be sure to jump into the final chapter of the season.