Young Horses on whether you can pet the Bugsnax in Bugsnax

Published , by Sam Chandler

Bugsnax is shaping up to be an extremely unique experience. It seems like each day we’re discovering something new and interesting about what lies in wait for players in Young Horses’ next title. In a recent interview with Shacknews, Phil Tibitoski gave some insight into whether players will be able to pet the bugsnax.

Speaking with Phil Tibitoski, Shacknews CEO Asif Khan was full of important questions about Bugsnax. The pair chatted about an array of topics, with some highlights being that Bugsnax is more like Ape Escape than a traditional FPS and that the team played Pokemon Snap to explore the game’s early mechanics. But one important question was asked as well: Can players pet the bugsnax?

Unfortunately, it appears that, no, you cannot pet the bugsnax in Bugsnax. Tibitoski comments that one of the bugsnax you can actually hold is a strawberry-like creature inside a little hamster ball. This is actually a tool, and it might be a bit odd to use your furry paw to pet the plastic sphere.

Considering the meteoric rise of the Twitter account, Can You Pet the Dog?, and the fact many developers are ensuring you can pat the pets in their games, one does have to wonder whether Young Horses will update Bugsnax at some point. It would be wonderful to give those cute little critters a loving little head rub.

While the news that you cannot pet the bugsnax in Bugsnax is bound to sadden some players, the release of the game is still a ways off. Maybe if we sing the theme song loud enough, and maybe if we’re all good Grumpuses, Young Horses will let us pet at least one of the bugsnax.