Valorant update 1.09 patch notes nerf Operator sniper rifle

Published , by TJ Denzer

Ever since the very beginning of Valorant’s launch, the Operator sniper rifle has been a nightmare to deal with in the hands of players wielding it with proficiency. It hits like a bulldozer, has extreme effective range, and was easy to pick up after a few rounds if you were doing well. Valorant Patch 1.09 has dropped and, while changes are apparent across the board, it’s a heavy aim at reducing the sheer snowball potential of the Operator. We’ve got the full patch notes here.

Valorant update 1.09 patch notes

There are changes affecting a lot of different gameplay in Valorant Patch 1.09, but by far, the Operator took the brunt of the nerfs in this update.

Valorant’s update 1.09 patch has some fixes for several operators, weapons, and mechanics. Dropping on September 29, 2020, the update dropped on the Valorant website buffed Viper further, nerfed Reyna and Jett, and adjusted some visuals on Omen. It nerfed accuracy on weapons across the board when firing after landing from a jump. That said, the biggest adjustment was definitely to the Operator. A beast since Valorant’s launch, this weapon has been nerfed front to back to provide better counterplay and higher consequence should a player die with it. You can find the full patch notes just below.




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With the latest patch taking heavy aim at reducing the overwhelming power and utility of the Operator, it will be interesting to see how strategies and metas move in the game. Stay tuned to Shacknews for further Valorant coverage and keep up to date on previous patch notes and changes to the game.