Pupperazzi Interview: Nothing but good doggos

Published , by Donovan Erskine

As controversial as gaming can get, we can usually agree that most games are better with dogs. Whether you’re petting them or taking them along with you on an adventure, a good pupper is a powerful tool in a developer’s belt. Developer Sundae Month is going for a full doggo overload with Pupperazzi, a game all about snapping photos of those glorious dogs. Of course, we reached out to publisher Kitfox Games to learn more. Isobel Shasha, a cofounder of Sundae Month and Project Director on Pupperazzi shared some insight into the game’s creation.

Where did the idea for Pupperazzi originate from?

The first thing that I thought of when I saw the trailer for Pupperazzi was Pokemon Snap. Was that game an influence on the team?

Can you pet all the dogs in the game or is that a privilege that has to be earned?

Why did you choose to focus on dogs? Was there ever any discussion about including and other animals?

What other features can we expect to see in the full game beyond photographing puppers?

I know players will be able to upgrade their camera as they progress through the game. How will that process work and what are some of the upgrades we'll get to see?

Do you have a favorite kind of dog?

Any chance we could get our chairpet of the board, Lola, in the game? She is super adorable!

Pupperazzi has not yet been given a release date, but fans can wishlist the game now on Steam. For future updates, we recommend following developer Sundae Month on Twitter, and bookmarking the Pupperazzi topic page on Shacknews.