Darksburg developer interview: Procedurally-generated zombie extermination

Published , by Chris Jarrard

Upon its initial entrance into Steam Early Access back in February of this year, Darksburg has been turning heads and making waves in the indie game community. Billed as a rogue-like zombie action game, it features an isometric view that will be familiar to fans of Diablo and similar ARPGs. It has been designed from the ground up for co-op play, meaning that bringing a friend to help you dispatch the undead will undoubtedly increase your pleasure.

We got the opportunity to sit down with James Croucher, Community Manager at Shiro Games, to get a look into the process behind creating Darksburg and what new players can expect, should they decide to dive into the waters of Steam Early Access.

The game’s official Steam Store page offers an official synopsis and feature list as follows:

Darksburg is a cooperative rogue-lite action game where you must team up to escape the hordes of Infected that have decided to settle down in the quaint little town of Darksburg.

Assume the role of one of the heroic Survivors each with their own unique skills and personalities, power them up with the numerous perks and skills you will come across throughout your runs, and defeat the nefarious revenants and legion of undead that have come to plague this formerly peaceful city.

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