Marvel's Avengers - Iron Man online co-op beta gameplay

Published , by TJ Denzer

Arguably, one of the best features of the upcoming Marvel’s Avengers game from Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics is the ability to join up with your friends and play four-player co-op in the game. With the beta launching, we got to take an early look, which included a dive into said co-op. The Shack Staff played Iron Man, Hulk, Ms. Marvel, and Black Widow, and you can see all of the action from the perspective of the high-flying Iron Man in this gameplay session.

Each of the heroes plays just a little or vastly different from each other. As Iron Man, you can fly around the battlefield practically at will, which makes him perfect for taking out airborne enemies as bruisers like Kamala Khan and the Hulk cover the ground game and Black Widow aids you with her grappling hooks, mobility, and firearms. You’ll see below that Iron Man also has the ability to switch weapons, moving between the repulsor blasters, a concentrated laser, and missiles, each of which change his short and long range attacks.

If the multiple armaments of Iron Man weren’t enough fun, his ultimate Heroic Ability, which calls in the massive Hulkbuster Armor, might be. With the Hulkbuster armor, Tony Stark can get down and dirty just like Hulk to hammer the heck out of enemies. Hulk is far less clumsy in his devastation though, probably because he’s more used to throwing his weight around. Either way, the team comes together to absolutely wreck foes high and low and it’s a must-watch if you’re interested in the co-op play of Marvel’s Avengers.

Be sure to check out the rest of our Marvel’s Avengers coverage for more fun videos and updates from the game. Want more? Don’t forget to subscribe to the Shacknews and GamerHubTV YouTube channels if you want to catch our latest interviews, gameplay, features, and more on the latest games, toys, and collectibles.