Control's Awe expansion leaves players awestruck in three weeks

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Thursday's PlayStation State of Play presentation moved forward with what's next for the world of Control. The team at Remedy Entertainment isn't done with this world just yet and still has another expansion in the works. But the big news is that the second expansion is almost here. Control's second expansion is called Awe, but what exactly makes it so awe-inspiring? It's more of what "AWE" stands for, which now appears to stand for "Alan Wake Experience." Yes, Control is about to get a taste of Alan Wake, a character who hasn't been seen in well over a decade.

To this point, any references to Alan Wake in Control could have been interpreted as nothing more than Easter Eggs. It was simply Remedy having some fun with one of its most popular properties. But nothing more than cheeky references, right? Well, as it turns out, Alan Wake does somehow exist in Control's world and looks to be at the center of one of the game's central mysteries.

What else do we know about Alan Wake's connection to Control and Jasse Faden? The answer to that is painfully unknown, at least for now. To this point, Control's story has centered around the mysteries of The Oldest House and how the Federal Bureau of Control has fallen under the control of ancient, hideous, etherreal beings. But the answers as to how all of this connects will become clear in just a matter of weeks, as the Awe expansion is set to hit Control before the end of the month.

We'll have our eye on this story, as we wait for 505 Games and Remedy Entertainment to come forward with more story details. They'll likely come in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, mark your calendars, because the Control Awe expansion is set to release on August 27. Be sure to follow our continuing coverage in the weeks leading up to the expansion's release.