DC Artist Alley showcases unique statues from different artists

Published , by Sam Chandler

There’s something special about finding a figurine that perfectly matches your personality and aesthetic. With the DC Artist Alley line, more artists are coming together and are given a chance to create something truly unique. We recently had the pleasure of checking out some upcoming figures from Artist Alley, with highlights like a papercraft-inspired Catwoman or the chubby Batman carried by robins. Please check out the video below!

DC Direct – Artist Alley statue showcase

DC is working to bring collectors a wider variety of artists in order to paint a broader spectrum of designs. Typically, DC would have a few artists design a few statues. This time around, DC has artists create a single piece that really highlights their individual style. Every piece on display comes to life with a level of detail that is immediately recognizable as belonging to a specific artist.

One of the first pieces we got to see was the Joker by Brandt Peters. This chaotic piece has the Joker twisting over an organ grinder cart that’s spewing out blue fire. The Joker looks truly insane.

Brittney Lee is another name those in the papercraft world will be familiar with. Lee is a talented designer that specialises in papercraft designs, where paper is layered to create a 2.5-dimensional image. The design on display is Catwoman, and collectors can see how the papercraft art has been brought to life in a vinyl model.

Zach Heffelfinger is an exceptionally talented artist that has worked on the SpongeBob SquarePants animated series. Zach’s personal style has been brought to life with this chubby Batman that is being carried by three robins. This is a figurine that is guaranteed to make you smile as soon as you see it.

If you’re a fan of action figures, statues and other types of video game or movie collectibles, make sure you check out the GamerHubTV and Shacknews YouTube channels. We regularly upload content from our trips to the various cons and events, where you will get to see first-hand some of the exciting products coming soon.