Unboxing & Review: Transformers Ghostbusters Generations Ectotron Ecto-1

Published , by Greg Burke

The Ecto-1 Ectotron Figure is one of many mashups that the Transformers series has seen over the past couple of years. In our latest unboxing and review, we’ll take a look at the Transformers Generators Ectotron Ectro-1 figure to see how this offering from Hasbro brings a stylish new look to a classic piece of film buff memorabilia.

Right off the bat, the boxing for the Ecto-1 figure looks like it was ripped right out of the 80s, offering a classic look for a brand-new toy. We were able to pick the Ecto-1 during the second wave of the toy’s shipments. With a shipping price of $39.99, the Ectotron figure brings a lot to the table for Ghostbuster fans to adore.

Opening up the box, the pieces of the toy come together quite well. The vehicle mode for Ectotron looks super flushed and really detailed. Honestly, it’s pretty hard to tell it’s a transformer if you aren’t already aware of it. Of course, being a Transformer, it does lack some of the minute details that some Ghostbusters’ fans might be looking for, but it wasn’t a huge issue for us.

Once you transform Ectotron to robot mode, though, things look even better. Unlike many other Transformers’ toys, the Ectotron is easier to switch to robot mode than others we’ve looked at in the past. Once you have everything situated and transformed, the Ectotron looks absolutely epic. The way that the vehicle’s front bumper is broken up across the shoulders looks fantastic, and it adds a really great style to the toy overall.

There’s still a lot of detail on display in robot mode, and the top rack of Ecto-1 is put to good use as it transforms into a stylish Proton Pack and even includes a tube attachment for the Neutrona Wand. You can check out our full review and unboxing above if you’re interested in hearing more of our thoughts. Also, make sure you subscribe to Shacknews and GamerHubTV on YouTube, as we’re always putting out new videos about all the latest toys, games, and more.