Unboxing & Review: TerraMaster F2-210

Published , by Greg Burke

Network attached storage, better known as NAS, is an external piece of hardware that serves a number of conveniences for those doing work or storing large amounts of media on a PC. A NAS operates as a “personal cloud”, allowing users to securely store their media. TerraMaster is a popular manufacturer in the world of Network attached storage. They sent us over their TerraMaster F2-210, which we unboxed and reviewed to see how the device stacks up.

We do a lot of remote work here at Shacknews, so we were intrigued to see how this NAS could help simplify things. Outside of the workplace, these devices can be used for entertainment storage, including music, movies, and more. The unit features 2 bays and can support HDD’s up to 16TB.

In the video, we go step by step with the process of setting up our new TerraMaster F2-210. Starting with getting the product unboxed, followed by installing the desired hard drive and getting the NAS connected to the modem. Surprisingly, the F2-210 wasn’t difficult at all to set up for a first-timer.

The end of the video features some positive and negative feedback on the TerraMaster F2-210, but you’ll have to tune into the full video to hear those. If you’re interested in checking out TerraMaster’s products, visit their website. For more tech reviews and unboxings, subscribe to the Shacknews YouTube channel.