Capcom clarifies that Resident Evil 3 remake has traditional 'Safe Rooms' (UPDATE)

Though it seemed Nemesis could enter 'Safe Rooms' in a previously reported look at the game, Capcom has clarified that traditional 'Safe Rooms' do exist in Resident Evil 3 remake that Nemesis cannot enter.


UPDATE (3/6/2020 - 12:34PM PT): Capcom has since reached out to us to clarify that an original detail pulled from Official Xbox Magazine is incorrect. According to a spokesperson from Capcom, traditional Safe Rooms will still exist in Resident Evil 3 remake. The confusion seems to have stemmed from OXM's hands-on preview of the game, as reported by GamesRadar.

Though Nemesis does chase Jill into an area with a typewriter. Capcom confirmed that is not a Safe Room area. There are areas with Safe Room implements where Nemesis can still follow and attack Jill, much like Mr. X could do in Resident Evil 2 remake in the Raccoon City Police Station lobby where there is a typewriter and item box sitting out in the open. That said, Capcom stressed that there are still proper Safe Rooms in which Nemesis cannot go and the player will truly be safe.

Original Story

Safe Rooms in Resident Evil have always been a welcome respite from the terror. No matter what was chasing us down, we always took solace in the fact that we could head to the room with the typewriter and inventory box for a calm moment of saving our game and managing our items. Even Mr. X was polite enough to leave you alone and drop his pursuit for a moment if you got to the safe room. Well, players, Capcom sees the way you’ve been abusing this and they’re doing something about it in the Resident Evil 3 remake. Nemesis will be able to kick your “Safe Room” door open and attack you in there too.

This glaring detail came out alongside a large collection of details posted recently on Reddit from a meaty Resident Evil 3 remake feature in an issue of Official Xbox Magazine. Many of the details contain spoilers, so go to the full list at your own peril, but the most stand out among them is that Nemesis will be able to enter Safe Rooms in Resident Evil 3 remake and chase you even there - a huge departure for a classic aspect of the series.

Nemesis already featured new toys like the flamethrower and sprinting and jumping to catch up to Jill. Breaking into the Safe Rooms has sounded more threatening than anything else by far.
Nemesis already featured new toys like the flamethrower and sprinting and jumping to catch up to Jill. Breaking into the Safe Rooms has sounded more threatening than anything else by far.

Messing with Mr. X’s AI and the Safe Rooms was a big part of the Resident Evil 2 remake, so Capcom was bound to do something. Not all hope is lost though. One of the more innocent details of the OXM feature is that there are some areas that Nemesis won’t follow you, but the goal with Nemesis was to make him a more constant and terrifying threat. Other bits that have come out since are that the city will be massive with fast travel and feature optional backtracking and content to explore. Furthermore, the knife is losing its durability and becoming a permanent item again at the cost of not being able to break grapples, and a new perfect dodge mechanic is made to give you an opportunistic chance of fight or flight when monsters attack you.

Our days of messing with monsters are over, friendos. Don’t get too comfy. Safe Rooms are no longer safe when Nemesis is around to kick the door in.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on BlueSky @JohnnyChugs.

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