ShackStream: Crawling rocks with Overpass

Published , by Chris Jarrard

Welcome back to the ShackStream, good folks. Today’s episode carries us to various outdoor environments that we will conquer by way of ATV or four-wheeled utility vehicles. Overpass, the new offroading game from publisher BigBen, will challenge our nerves as we try and race the clock while attempting to keep our vehicles in one piece.

Expect lots of rocks, chicanes, expertly-placed barrels, and a few flipped ATVs. Offroad game fans will probably see a bit of Spintires or Mudrunner in the design of Overpass. This is not bad company to keep if I do say so myself.

The fun kicks off at 5:15 PM ET (02:15 PM PT) on the Official Shacknews Twitch Channel.

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