PlayStation's 2019 Wrap-Up lets you reflect on your gaming year

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Curious about how you spent most of your year when it comes to PlayStation gaming? Sony has an early 2020 gift for you.

The 2019 PlayStation Wrap-Up tool can give you a picture of what games you played and how long you played them across the year. It'll give you how many different games you played, the top games in your collection, the top genre you enjoyed, how many trophies you bagged, and then an avatar that sums it all up.

All participants will get a free dynamic theme and seven avatars to celebrate their achievements, whether they get the Action Hero, Legendary Warrior, Master Explorer, Master Strategist, Speed Demon, Sports Phenom, or Marksman ranks.

To see where you stand with all your PlayStation stats, you can check out the official website, sign in with your PSN ID and password, and the site will line you out the rest of the way. If you did Spotify Wrapped, you should have a good idea of what to expect here. Then come back and be sure to share your results with us here! We'd love to see how you all spent most of the year gaming.

Hopefully this is something Sony keeps up with, because it's a fun way to reflect upon what kind of content you consumed over the last year. You may be surprised at the results that pop up.