Hearthstone - Descent of Dragons interview: Building the 13th expansion

Published , by Chris Jarrard

As is the case most times when Blizzard enters a certain gaming genre, the release of Hearthstone made enormous waves across the card gaming enthusiast community. The digital card-battle game quickly exploded in popularity thanks to its ease of access on mobile devices and well-balanced decks. After years of commercial success and a strong presence in the esports world, Hearthstone is about to get its thirteenth official expansion. The expansion, Descent of Dragons will be available in early December of 2019.

The Shacknews video crew got a chance to speak with some of the Hearthstone team while on location at Blizzcon 2019 and learned a bit about the process behind creating new cards, as well as what fans can expect when the expansion launches early next month.

Descent of Dragons will offer buyers access to 140 new cards for building decks. The expansion also introduces the new keyword Invoke, powerful Galakrond hero cards, and the Sidequest mechanic. The lore synopsis for Descent of Dragons is sure to please longtime fans of the game’s narrative:

Following the League of E.V.I.L's attack on Uldum, which was thwarted by the League of Explorers, the two teams head to Dragonblight, where the League of E.V.I.L. is plotting to resurrect Galakrond in an attempt to bend him to their will. Once again, Elise Starseeker, Reno Jackson, Brann Bronzebeard and Sir Finley Mrrgglton must do battle with the villains and put an end to their heinous scheme once and for all.

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