Microsoft launches free educational Mixer Academy

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Looking to get more out of your Mixer streams? Microsoft is here to help, with Mixer Academy.

Mixer Academy is a new program meant to help users build up their Mixer expertise while completing courses and earning badges for their profile in a bid to show off to the community.

To participate, all you have to do is visit the official Mixer Academy site with your account linked to your profile. You can check over the Mixer Handbook there, which will give you a look over what the program will offer as a whole. There are three different courses meant to help you be a better Streamer, Moderator, or Power User on Mixer.

Microsoft suggests hitting up the Streamer track for anyone who wants to jump in and learn about streaming, community-building, or networking. Similarly, moderators can learn about the basic tools needed to help mod a channel and what to expect out of becoming a mod. Finally, the Power User track is an option for anyone who wants to learn more about what you can do with Mixer, including how to report misbehaving users and how to complete your profile to make sure it's all up to date.

Of course, all of these features are free to use for anyone with Mixer accounts, which are also free. It looks like Microsoft is mostly concerned with ensuring anyone who wants to jump in and use the service is well-equipped with the knowledge of how to.

If you're interested in getting started, be sure to head over to Mixer Academy now and get that nose in the books. You never know, a seasoned pro like you may even learn a little something.