Afterlife adventure Arise: A Simple Story coming to PS4 and PC

Published , by Chris Jarrard

During today’s State of Play presentation from the folks at PlayStation, a new game from publisher Techland and developer Piccolo was shown off to the world for the first time. Arise: A Simple Story was revealed via a new trailer that shows a man given a Viking funeral who awakens in a new world. He is shown traversing a colorful landscape and navigating platformer obstacles. 

The synopsis from the Official Playstation blog is as follows:

Your adventure in Arise starts where many might end – on a funeral pyre. You wake up in limbo, where a mysterious light beckons you from atop of a snowy mountain. Your trek towards it turns into a bittersweet journey through your life, where you relive the moments of happiness but also have to face devastating tragedies all over again. If that’s not extraordinary enough, you quickly realize you have the gift to bend time to your will.

One of our goals with Arise was to make this odyssey memorable and constantly surprising. We turned our hero’s rich life experience into beautiful landscapes, which will shift along with your emotional state as you roam through varied environments that reflect the current tone of the narrative. As the story unfolds, your power to manipulate time also transforms to fit the moments you’re reliving.

In Arise you never know what’s around the corner. You enjoy the good times to the fullest knowing they might not last, and endure the hardships working to turn them around. To put it simply – that’s just life, right? Beautiful and scary at the same time. That feeling of not knowing what comes next and playing with the cards you were dealt is one of the major themes in Arise.

Based on reports from German game rating boards, Arise: A Simple Story is expected to be released for PS4 and PC in the near future.