Does the Nintendo Switch Lite have a touch screen?

Published , by Josh Hawkins

With the Nintendo Switch Lite offering a truly handheld experience for Switch users, many people have quite a few questions about the newly released version of the Switch. Does the Nintendo Switch Lite have a touch screen? If so, how big is it? We’ll answer those questions and more right here in this handy guide.

Does the Nintendo Switch Lite have a touch screen?

Yes! The Nintendo Switch Lite does indeed have a touch screen for users to make use of. While the Switch Lite does forego support for the Switch Dock, it does still include a touch screen for use in games and while navigating the console’s menus.

The touch screen on the Nintendo Switch Lite offers a 5.5-inch display at a resolution of 1280x720. It’s also an LCD screen, which means you won’t have the same pop as an OLED screen like you will find on many high-end smartphones these days. In comparison, the regular Nintendo Switch offers a 6.2-inch LCD display at a resolution of 1280x720.

Aside from that, there are a few key differences you can find between the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo Switch Lite. We’ll go in-depth on those differences in a later article, but for now, you can rest assured that your new Nintendo Switch Lite comes equipped with a touch screen that should fit all your needs, even if it’s a bit smaller than the screen on the original Switch.

For more information on the Nintendo Switch Lite, you can always head back over to our Nintendo Switch hub. We’re always covering more information about the Switch and Nintendo’s plans for the console’s future. Picking up Nintendo Switch Lite this month? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Shoot a tweet to @Shacknews on Twitter and be sure to share your favorite thing about the Switch Lite.