Super Meat Boy Forever interview: Tommy Refenes forever

Published , by Chris Jarrard

Super Meat Boy was an indie smash hit back in 2010, combining intense platforming and clever level design to create a game that wowed players. The success of the game was instrumental in kicking off the boom in popularity and financial success for the modern independently-produced video game. After being ported to nearly every platform under the sen, Super Meat Boy will soon be making an appearance in an all-new game, dubbed Super Meat Boy Forever.

Series creator Tommy Refenes is no stranger to Shacknews, having spoken with us countless times over the last decade. With both our traveling team and Refenes on-hand at PAX West 2019, we figured it would be a perfect time to sit down one again and chat about Meat Boy and just about everything else under the sun.

Meat Boy and Bandage girl must jump into action to rescue their child Nugget from the clutches of the evil Dr. Fetus. The stakes for Super Meat Boy Forever could not be higher. According to the game’s official website, players can expect loads of new content for this meaty sequel, including:

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