All PC Ubisoft Club Rewards - Ghost Recon Breakpoint

Published , by Bill Lavoy

Gamers planning to immerse themselves in the spec ops fantasy Ghost Recon Breakpoint will offer might want to head back into Ghost Recon Wildlands before September 27, 2019. Ubisoft Club Rewards is offering a total of 16 in-game packs for Ghost Recon Breakpoint, most of which require players to complete missions in Ghost Recon Wildlands. This guide will explain how you can unlock them all.

Ubisoft Club Rewards - Ghost Recon Breakpoint

The 16 Ubisoft Club Rewards available for unlock for PC in Ghost Recon Breakpoint will often require players to complete tasks in Ghost Recon Wildlands. We’ll detail each one below, with a brief explanation on how it can be unlocked. Note that many of these rewards will be available on all platforms, but anyone who wants to see the full list of items they can unlock should log into their Ubisoft Club account and make sure their platform of choice is linked. This will show a full list of relevant items.

E3 2019 Fan Kit

This reward is free to any player that wants it and has an Ubisoft Club account. Simply log into the Ubisoft Club and click on the Fan Kit, then choose the option to get it for free.

Atmosphere Emblem

Unfortunately, if you don’t already have this reward you can’t get it. The Atmosphere Emblem required players to sign up for a free month of Uplay+ prior to August 15, 2019. This one has expired.


To unlock the ATPIAL Laser, player will need to complete Operation Oracle in Ghost Recon Wildlands prior to September 27, 2019. The ATPIAL Laser is described as the U.S. Armed Forces standard for night direct-fire aiming and illumination.

Beta Emblem

The Beta Emblem is available for players that participated in the Ghost Recon Breakpoint beta. Since the beta is over now, this can no longer be obtained if you don’t already have it. Just choose the option to get it for free from the Ubisoft Club Rewards page, assuming you participated in one of the two betas for Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Dreamcatcher Pack

The Dreamcatcher pack includes the SASG-12 shotgun, as well as the Dreamcatcher title. This is given to players who take down El Sueno and his four buchones in Ghost Recon Wildlands. Once claimed from the Ubisoft Club Rewards, it can be claimed from Holt in Erehwon after completing the first mission of Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Hard-Boiled Pack

The Hard-Boiled Pack is going to take some work for those that haven’t visited Wildlands in a bit. Players must complete the campaign and unlock all parts of the Exo Suit in Ghost Mode of Ghost Recon Wildlands to unlock this. This must be completed by September 27, 2019. The Hard-Boiled Pack includes a custom knife, the Hard-Boiled title, and an exclusive emblem.

Legend Pack

The Legend Pack is unlocked by players that reach Tier One in the campaign of Ghost Recon Wildlands. This pack includes the Legend title and an exclusive emblem and must be completed by September 27, 2019 in order to be unlocked in Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Little Brother’s Ally Pack

The Little Brother’s Ally Pack includes a reskinned MK17 assault rifle and the Future Solder title. This weapon will drop at your current level and includes the blueprint. To unlock it in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, players must complete Operation Silent Spade in Ghost Recon Wildlands before September 27, 2019.

Prestige Pack

The Prestige Pack includes the Almighty title and an exclusive emblem. This is unlocked by playing at least one round of Ghost War after reaching Prestige Level 1 in Ghost Recon Wildlands. This, like many other challenges, must be completed by September 27, 2019 for players to qualify.

Rainbow’s Ally Pack

The Rainbow’s Ally Pack is unlocked by completing Operation Archangel in Ghost Recon Wildlands. When players complete this before September 27, 2019, they will unlock a reskinned 416 assault rifle and the Rainbow Operative title. This will include the weapon at your current level, and the blueprint in Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Sam Fisher’s Ally Pack

Players who want Sam Fisher’s Ally Pack in Ghost Recon Breakpoint will need to complete Operation Watchman in Ghost Recon Wildlands. This will unlock the 5.7 handgun and Fourth Echelon Operative title. Interestingly, the gun will be added at your current level, but there’s nothing listed about a blueprint. It could just be an oversight. Players who want the 5.7 will need to complete Operation Watchman before September 27, 2019.

Scenery | Standard

To unlock the Scenery | Standard in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, players must only play Ghost Recon Wildlands once before September 27, 2019. That’s about as easy as it gets for those that want this civilian pickup truck.

Suppressor Operativo | Survival

To unlock the Suppressor Operativo | Survival, players must complete three rounds of Ghost War in Ghost Recon Wildlands before September 27, 2019. This is another one that falls under easy, requiring only a bit of time to complete. Suppressor Operativo is a bit of a misleading name. This is a knife, not a suppressor.

Ubisoft Experience T-shirt

Stand down, Ghosts, because the Ubisoft Experience T-shirt is only for those that attended the Ubisoft Experience event. If you don’t know what that is, you didn’t go, and you don’t get the in-game reward for Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


The Vectorblade will require players to get a QR code scanned at select Ubisoft events, which means most people aren’t going to unlock this. No specific events were listed, so if you don’t already have this, you’re probably not getting this sports bike.

VelSyst Scarab LT Vest

Players can unlock the VelSyst Scarab LT Vest in Ghost Recon Breakpoint by finding a hidden Kingslayer File in Operation Oracle within Ghost Recon Wildlands. This must be completed by September 27, 2019 to unlock it in Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

That will do it for the Ubisoft Club Rewards PC players can snag for Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Most of these challenges will require missions to be completed, and almost everything must be done before September 27, 2019. If you’re all set with these, though, visit our Ghost Recon Wildlands topic and get a head start on the war between the Ghosts and the Wolves kicking off on October 4, 2019.