Krillbite Studio's Mosaic comes to Apple Arcade

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Do you ever feel like something's going on with your life that makes you question whether it has any meaning?

That's how the protagonist of Krillbite Studio's Mosaic feels, as he drifts from one activity to the next without any sense of meaning or care until one fateful day. That's when everything starts to change.

Suddenly, it looks like our hero has shrunken down to a ridiculous size (or everything's huge) and it looks like he has something to live for: surviving. There are some serious echoes of games like Limbo seen in the trailer here. See if you think so, too. 

It looks like a game many of us could relate to: toiling away at thankless jobs, taking public transit home, then swiping through our smartphones day in and day out, living in a constant state of haziness. This "dark" game, as it's described, looks to channel the feeling of depression quite well, which is likely on purpose. But we don't know a lot about the plot just yet.

"Mosaic explores the feeling of being caught in the daily grind and trying to make sense of it all. The mundanities of the everyday existence in a world where everything is seemingly in its right place starts to transcend into something different," reads the official description. It certainly sounds interesting enough. But do we really want to play a game all about how bleak adult life can be when many of us can just live it?

Mosaic will be joining a packed lineup of Apple Arcade titles when it launches, alongside several other games like Neo Cab and Sayonara Wild Hearts. Let us know if you happen to end up trying out Apple Arcade and if you think it's worth signing up for in the meantime.