Free Control DLC dated for December, paid expansions coming 2020

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Whether you've completed Control by now or still have a ways to go before you're finished with the Oldest House, make sure you hang on to your save data. There's more coming to Remedy's latest game.

According to an official Control page, Control will soon be getting a Photo Mode this fall as well as a new game mode called Expeditions this December. The "challenging" new end-game mode will task Jesse Faden with helping Security Chief Arish when it comes to exploring the Formation and the surroundings around it. You'll be up against some of the most difficult challenges the Oldest House can throw, and as such you'll need all the best equipment you can get.

In 2020, Control fans will get even more content, with two full paid expansions in the form of The Foundation and AWE. They'll bring new story missions, enemies and additional game mechanics and will take you to new parts of the Oldest House you haven't seen before. The Foundation will explore the history of the Oldest House as a favor to the Board to figure out what's below the Bureau. AWE will take Jesse to a new part of the Oldest House in the form of the Investigations Sector, where Altered World Events are being explored.

Kevin Tucker (RIP) gave Control an 8 out of 10 in his review. Here's what he thought:

"Control is an experience not to be missed. Remedy Entertainment has gone above and beyond to realize the game's paranormal-themed world, and the result is something so entrancing and bizarre that there's really little else to compare it to. It's proof positive that the whole can indeed be greater than the sum of its parts, but in drawing on the best that gaming had to offer, several technical issues managed to sneak in from beyond the void. Whether these glitches or bugs seem silly or nefarious will be up to individual players, but even the biggest bouts of slowdown don't take away from the game's stellar action and environments. It's fast-paced, fun, and pretty damn freaky — all the right elements of a perfect sci-fi thriller."

Let us know if you'll be picking up the paid expansions or jumping back into the game.