Megan Fox featured in new live action Black Desert PS4 trailer

Published , by Asif Khan

Black Desert is an online open world MMORPG that features intense action and skill-based combat. The game is now out on PS4 and Pearl Abyss is celebrating the launch with a new live action trailer featuring Megan Fox. Please take a look.

Black Desert features seamless transitions between areas in the large open world. Players will take down monsters and giant bosses or fight for control of nodes with their other guild members. The game is built on their own proprietary engine and features some user-friendly customization tools for character creation. Letting players "become your true self," as the trailer tagline reads. 

In a behind the scenes video, Fox explained what she thinks Black Desert and video games can mean for kids and young girls growing up in a very intense world ruled by social media clout. "I think something that can be really beneficial about a game like this one, especially for young kids or teenagers when they're playing it, is you get to discover the qualities about yourself that you want to enhance, you really appreciate, because maybe at the moment it is something that's only on the screen, but you can realize that it is something that you can bring to life for real."

Fox continues, "it's almost therapeutic, it's a way for them to discover who they want to be and who they've always been. I think for young girls especially right now there is such toxicity on social media, within their own schools, and just in their lives. It is definitely hard to be a girl." 

"It's almost like a powerful form of meditation," concluded Fox when talking to the team at Pearl Abyss about Black Desert. The game is out now on PS4 and Xbox One. Hopefully we will get some more sweet live action trailers featuring Megan Fox, because she is pretty darn swell.