What is a Steam Ticket in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne?

Published , by Bill Lavoy

Prepare to be stumped about a lot of the things you see in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Hunters. With a new location, new monsters, and new mechanics, there’s a lot to keep track of, like the new Steam Ticket that players can earn from the Tech Chief. Below, we’ll explain what you can do with it.

What is a Steam Ticket?

A Steam Ticket is an item players can earn from participating in the Steamworks minigame in Seliana. This is a minigame run by the Tech Chief that is a good way for Hunters to obtain extra items to keep their pouches and item boxes full.

If you’ve obtained a Steam Ticket and don’t know what to do with it, the answer is rather simple; show it to the Smithy. The Steam Ticket is a resource that the Smithy can use in crafting you some Master Rank armor that might serve you well in the early hours of Iceborne.

Once you’re talking to the Smithy, make sure you’re browsing through the Master Rank armor, then scroll down until you reach Clockwork A and Clockwork B. Each piece of armor will require two Steam Tickets (plus other resources) to craft, meaning a full set will require 10 Steam Tickets. Having only played a few rounds of the Steamworks myself, I can confirm that earning Steam Tickets isn’t too difficult, as I’ve got six without much effort at all.

For those wondering, the Clockwork armor sets boast 142 defense per armor piece, and they have some decent skills. Skills included are Agitator, Bombardier, Partbreaker, Critical Boost, Sleep Functionality, and Tremor Resistance. Truthfully, though, the defense is the main selling point in the early hours of Iceborne, as the monsters are going to do considerably more damage.

Now that players know what to do with the Steam Ticket, visit the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne topic on Shacknews for more guides and news to help Hunters tackle the biggest threats.