Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville is the next Garden Warfare game

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

The ongoing conflict between the plant kingdom and the world of the undead has raged on for nearly a decade. And it's gone on in more than one form. One of the most unexpected forms was through a first-person shooter. But Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare wound up becoming one of the unlikeliest success stories under the EA umbrella. Now the series is moving into its third iteration, dropping the Garden Warfare subtitle and embracing a whole new title. On Wednesday, EA and PopCap Vancouver unveiled Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville.

As was the case with the first two Garden Warfare games, Battle for Neighborhood will pit up to 24 players against one another in online multiplayer battles. Players can find 20 customizable classes across both plants and zombies, each with their own unique abilities. Some of the classes and characters are all-new, while others like Peashooter and Super Brainz make their triumphant return from previous Garden Warfare games.

Six online multiplayer modes will be available at launch, some like Turf Takeover making their return alongside new modes like Battle Arena. On top of the online multiplayer component, players are free to explore three new free-roam regions that will allow them to explore Neighborville. There's even an Ops mode that allows players to join up with three friends to reclaim a handful of regions beyond the Neighborville borders.

While larger battles are conducted online, console players will have the option to jump on the couch and play together locally. Two-player co-op is available for the Ops mode, as well as the larger-scale 24-player competitive multiplayer sessions.

Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborhood is slated to release to a wide audience in October, however, there's the option to purchase a digital-only Founder's Edition. This allows players to jump into the action ahead of launch and pick up new, exclusive weekly cosmetic content for a six-week period. This content will only be available for Founder's Edition owners and there are no plans to offer it to anyone anywhere beyond this limited time period. Founder's Edition rewards can only be claimed by logging in once each week during the month of September. More details on the Founder's Edition and the six-week window for the Founder's Edition rewards can be found on the Plants vs. Zombies website.

Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville is set to release on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on October 18 for $39.99. The Founder's Edition is available for a special $29.99 price and if you pick it up, you can jump into the game right now.