Mixer details Streamer Review rollout and new mod tools

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Mixer is slowly transforming into the place to be, especially with streamer Ninja's recent move to the platform. As such, Microsoft is working to take steps to make it a positive experience for everyone involved.

Mixer will be implementing a Streamer Review System on September 4, which means streamers will begin logging in with their Microsoft accounts to enable additional screening of new streaming accounts. When new streamers sign up, there will also be a 24-hour waiting period before anyone can begin a camera-ready stream.

If you're already a streamer, you'll have to sign into your Microsoft linked account and complete a few steps to ensure your broadcasts aren't interrupted. Here are the full safety steps from Microsoft:

  1. On your browser, sign into Mixer with your linked Microsoft Account (MSA).
  2. Navigate to your “Broadcast Dashboard” page, and click on the “Broadcast” tab.
  3. Select “Get Started” inside the “Broadcast” tab.
  4. Watch the required Mixer Safety Video.
  5. Once video is complete, your account will enter a 24-hour review period.
  6. Once the 24-hour countdown is complete, return to your “Broadcast” tab to read and sign the Streamer Pledge.
  7. Congratulations, you have received your new stream key! You can now leverage your stream key to continue streaming on Mixer.

You can opt-in to an earlier period from August 28 through September 4, where you can renew your stream key without having to wait for the 24-hour review period. As well as the new Streamer Review system, new moderation tools will help streamers take more control over their community chat. Beginning today, you can head to the Moderation tab via the Broadcast Dashboard to check out all the options there on offer.

You can change up your Catbot filtration level, impose more chat restrictions filtered by ranks and more. But restricting users isn't all that's on the table. On August 28, the Mixer Create app will be removed from mobile app stores. This won't affect the main mixer app, and streamers can use the Mixer app as something of a "companion" to regular streams, But it will be changing as far as mobile users go. Microsoft recommends checking out Streamlaps instead.

If you're a Mixer streamer, what do you think about these new streaming precautions and changes? Let us know in the comments below.