Skater XL grinds to Nintendo Switch in 2020

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Physics-based NIntendo Switch skating game Skater XL is bound to bring ollies and kickflips to the masses on Nintendo's portable/home console hybrid when it touches down in 2020.

During this morning's Nintendo Indie World showcase, we got a look at what appeared to be a very awesome new evolution of the skating game genre. Still waiting for a new Skate game, like many of the rest of us? This might strike your fancy.

Skater XL is an "evolution" in skateboarding games, at least according to its devs, which allows a higher level of board control and responsiveness so you can pull off plenty of tricks. Thanks to a set of intuitive controls, you'll be able to perform tricks to your liking, with no two tricks the same, supposedly. That's a tall order!

There are tons of awesome real-world skate spots to check out, realistic skate physics, and plenty of different skaters to choose from. The game is already available as an Early Access title on other platforms in the event you don't want to wait, and it's coming to Xbox One next year as well. That's when you'll be able to get your hands on the new Switch game, as it rolls up into your system in 2020.