Sega showcases Genesis Mini console games at E3 2019

Published , by Kevin Tucker

Even as the gaming industry moves forward, many developers and publishers are looking backward. After all, many of today's gamers and game developers were reared on the 8- and 16-bit classics, and a new trend of miniature consoles is allowing players to bring all that nostalgic gaming action back home. The latest of such classically-inspired hardware comes from Sega in the form of the Genesis Mini console, and Shacknews was on-site at E3 2019 to check out some of the hottest games packed into the device.

For those who haven't yet heard the details, allow us to shed some light: Following suit with similarly sized miniature consoles from Nintendo and Sony, the Sega Genesis Mini brings the company's 16-bit hardware back into the modern fold. In addition to a large bundle of games, the package also includes two full-size, three-button Genesis controllers as well as an HDMI cable and power adapter.

The full list of games featured on the Sega Genesis Mini includes:

The Sega Genesis Mini console will release on September 19, and it will be made available for $79.99. Be sure to spin-dash over to Shacknews and GamerHubTV on YouTube for all the latest developer interview and gameplay footage from this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo.