Valve announces Dota Underlords, a standalone Auto Chess

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Earlier this year, Dota Auto Chess released on Steam, quickly becoming a hit among Dota players. With the mod gaining so much popularity, it was only a matter of time until it became its own thing. A few weeks back, Valve revealed that the company has quite a bit of love for the Auto Chess mod, and stated they’d be working on a special standalone version of the game with more details to come soon. Soon hits today, as Valve has officially unveiled Dota Underlords, a special standalone version of Dota 2 Auto Chess.

This news comes just a few days after Chinese game publisher Dragonest revealed Auto Chess, a copy of Dota 2 Auto Chess without any of the game’s iconic characters. Of course, Dragonest has already earned a bit of disdain by decided to be exclusive to the Epic Games Store, something that has continued to be an issue with PC Gamers since Epic launched the digital storefront. According to the blog post revealing Dota Underlords, the game will be completely standalone, allowing players to team up against seven opponents in a battle of wits.

Dota 2 Battle Pass owners will be able to dive into a preview version of Dota Underlords right now. Valve has also revealed that they’ll be doing stress testing for a week or so before Dota Underlords officially launches into Open Beta. When Open Beta kicks off, Dota Underlords will become available for free via Steam, iOS, and Android. This is pretty big news for those who enjoy the Dota 2 mod, and it’s always nice to see Valve releasing a standalone version that players will be able to enjoy from anywhere.

Of course, the unveiling also came with the following remarks:

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