Bloober Team interview on the development of Blair Witch

Published , by Bill Lavoy

For those that don’t remember The Blair Witch Project from 1999, it was quite the interesting time to be a fan of films. Some people thought it was brilliant, some people hated it, but everyone was engaging in conversation about it in a way that is rarely seen. Fast forward to E3 2019 and the Bloober Team, a studio known for games like Layers of Fear and Observer, is developing a Blair Witch video game.

The moment it was announced at the Xbox E3 2019 press conference, hype for the Blair Witch video game began.  Potential players wanted to know the details, such as if it would be single player, multiplayer, or a co-op game. Would there be combat? Would the game stay true to the original film? When could folks get their hands on the game and dig into this psychological horror experience personally?

Thankfully, David L. Craddock sat down with Mariel Glomb, part of the Bloober Team development squad, and Basia Kciuk, a writer or Bloober team, and discussed all things Blair Witch related on behalf of the Shacknews team. Anyone who’s even slightly interested in picking up this game should give the interview a watch to see if any details come out that will better inform their decision one way or the other.

Those who intend to pick Blair Witch up won’t have to wait long. The release date for this project is set as August 30, 2019 on the Xbox One and PC platforms. For those that might be looking for something else, our video game release dates 2019 guide has you covered.

For more quality video content from E3 2019 and all the major gaming shows around the globe each year, visit the Shacknews YouTube channel, or the GamerHubTV YouTube channel. There’s dozens of hours of interviews and gameplay for your favorite titles.