Jurassic World Evolution update 1.8 upgrades terrain tools

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Jurassic World Evolution is making some big changes, and if you've been messing about to create the perfect dinosaur park, you might want to pay attention.

The game's latest update is poised to add several new additions to the park, including terrain painting and scenery improvements. Terrain painting began as an Easter Egg seen in the previous Developer Spotlight for the game. Update 1.8 will ad a selection of terrain brush tools that you can use to changeup the land textures in your parks.

Each set of brushes contains individualized sets that you can use with each different biome, with theming options available for rock, mud, and grass effects. Some islands like Isla Muerta will let you use sand brushes to pad out the dinosaur-laden areas you've created to make them decidedly more tropical.

You can also utilize new shrub tools to place lots of different kinds of shrubbery throughout the park, so you can truly make it feel much more like "your" park rather than "a" dinosaur park. You know, it's pretty important to customize things to your liking there.

There's a ton of items you can do all that with including natural scenery goodies as well, with lots more improvements arriving this summer when Update 1.8 arrives. The Jurassic World Evolution team says they'll be bringing additional details out later in a new Feature Focus post next week, so if you're looking forward to these changes, you can check back at the official forum for more info – we'll also bring the updates to you as well.