Borderlands 3 PlayStation 4 controls and button mapping

Published , by Josh Hawkins

If you’re planning on playing Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, then you’re going to need to know all the game’s controls. Below you’ll find everything you need to know about Borderlands 3’s PlayStation 4 controls and button mapping.

Borderlands 3 PlayStation 4 controls and button mapping

To make the controls easier to follow, we’ve broken them down into a handy table that outlines each button and its function below. As with any game on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, some buttons will work as additional functions, which means you’ll be able to hold them down to perform other tasks.

Button Function
X Jump
Circle Crouch/Slide/Ground Slam (while in the air)
Triangle Secondary Use/Cycle to the next weapon
R1 Grenade/Action Skill 2 (only available on Zane)
R2 Fire Weapon
L1 Action Skill
L2 Aim Down Sight
Left and right on D-Pad Cycle through tracked missions
Down on D-Pad Toggle fire modes
R3 Melee
Options Pause Menu
Touchpad Character Menus

Borderlands 3 will arrive later this year. Our very own, Ozzie Mejia had a change to go hands-on with the game this week. After playing he stated, “This is only the beginning for what looks to be a massive Borderlands experience.” You can read his full impressions on the demo that Gearbox showcased by heading over to our Borderlands 3 hands-on preview. Whether you’re a long-time Borderlands fan, or someone just preparing to dive into the series for the first time, Borderlands 3 is shaping up to be an exciting addition to the premiere looter shooter series.

Claptrap is just one of many returning characters that players can run into in Borderlands 3.

Now that you know the Borderlands 3 PlayStation 4 controls, you can prepare to dive into the game when it releases this coming September. In the meantime, why not head over to our Borderlands 3 page and check out some of the other great content we’ve got about the latest game in the Borderlands series.