Pokemon Pass app offers a selection of digital rewards

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Let's face it. It's a great time to be a Pokemon fan right now. Detective Pikachu exists. Pokemon Go is thriving. And now, there's a new Pokemon-related app on the way that'll let you rake in digital rewards just by doing things you do every day, like heading to Target for a quick shopping trip.

Twitter user Tsukento spotted an interesting new standee in his local store that appeared to advertise something called Pokemon Pass. As it turns out, Pokemon Pass is very much real, and is available to download for free via both iOS and Android ahead of the Detective Pikachu movie's release on May 10.

"Starting on May 11th, use Pokémon Pass to scan the code below to get a Shiny Pikachu for your Pokémon Let’s Go, Eevee! game or a Shiny Eevee for your Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! game,” the promotional poster in Tsukento's original photo reads.

Source: @Tsukento

You can get your hands on the app right now, it turns out, so you can see how things work for yourself. When you download the app and link it to your Pokemon Trainer Club account, you'll be able to use your phone's camera to scan codes and snap up goodies when you find them.

If you go to Target and see the QR code on the standee within Target, you can scan it and receive a Shiny Pikachu or Shiny Eevee for Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! or Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee! to be used in-game. Alternatively, you can scan a special Detective Pikachu standee to get a sticker that you can use to take photos with while using the app.

You can find out more info about the official app via the Pokemon site's FAQ, but it looks like we're going to start seeing more of these types of things cropping up here and there soon enough. What kind of rewards are waiting on the horizon? We'll have to wait and see.