Dave Eddings is not Claptrap's voice actor in Borderlands 3

Published , by Brittany Vincent

If you hadn't heard the news already, Claptrap's got a new voice this time around isn Borderlands 3.

The voice of the new Claptrap is Jim Foronda, who is also General Dahl in Borderlands 2, as well as the Dahl voice in the New-U stations in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. He also plays several roles in Battleborn.

Yes, the voice actor sounds different, but honestly he's similar enough that players probably won't notice too much. His cadence has changed from the previous game, but thanks to the effects placed on the actor's voice, you probably won't really notice too much.

Foronda follows original Claptrap actor David Eddings, who has been confirmed to no longer be involved with the project. David was previously in Borderlands and Borderlands 2 and worked as Gearbox Software's VP of Marketing. When he departed from the company in 2017, a Randy Pitchford mentioned during the Nerdvana podcast that he would see if David Eddings would be up to voice Claptrap again – it appears the two did not part amicably, so it looks like that didn't happen.

Eddings is currently working at Rooster Teeth as the head of game publishing. It's unclear if he'll ever return to the role, but as far as Borderlands 3 goes, it looks like his replacement is doing a fine job. As far as when Borderlands 3 is out so you can hear the new voice for yourself? You can pick it up when it drops on September 13, later this year. 

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