Elder Scrolls: Blades hits iOS and Google Play early access

Published , by Kevin Tucker

Elder Scrolls fans have been waiting patiently for the release of The Elder Scrolls: Blades since its surprise reveal at E3 last year. Previously planned to launch for iOS and Android devices at the end of March, the game has made a surprise appearance today on the New Zealand Google Play Store as an early access release, and it looks to be available for download in other regions as well.

Bethesda had previously provided an estimated release date of March 31. Though it was assumed the game would launch sometime around then, it seems like it's ahead of schedule — players can find The Elder Scrolls: Blades on the Google Play Store right now, with links offering the game for download or for early access depending on their regions.

It might go without saying, but mobile users will need a fairly recent device in order to install and run The Elder Scrolls: Blades. Late-model iPhones should be able to handle it well, though this writer's own Motorola G4 from 2017 seems to be incompatible with the game. In other words, it won't play on just any device, unlike Skyrim.

What exactly is The Elder Scrolls: Blades? Simply put, it's the RPG mechanics of the Elder Scrolls series distilled into a mobile-friendly format. Though it may not sport the massive open world of a game like Skyrim, the first-person perspective and suite of touch-optimized controls should please those looking to get their RPG fix on-the-go.

We're still waiting for a more formal release date announcement for The Elder Scrolls: Blades, but users can stop by the iOS App Store or Google Play Store to see if the game is available for download in their region. Until then, find all the latest-breaking mobile gaming news and reviews by heading over to the Modojo @ Shacknews home page.