Troll cinematic showcases Unreal Engine 4.22 raytracing

Published , by Josh Hawkins

A new cinematic from creators Goodbye Kansas and Deep Forest Films showcases the power and groundbreaking capabilities available in Unreal Engine. While talking about the game engine in today’s “State of Unreal” GDC session, the short cinematic was debuted. In it, users can see the raw power that is available when using the Unreal Engine to create games.

The visual style within the cinematic is based off of Swedish painter and illustrator John Bauer’s work, and it follows a princess as she journeys through a misty forest laden with fairies. All 3D and 4D facial scanning within the cinematic were created and developed by Epic Games’ 3Lateral. It’s an extremely rich experience altogether that really shows off what is possible with the engine in a bid to entice developers into using Unreal Engine to create their games.

According to Fredrik Löving, the Studio Manager from Goodbye Kansas LA, “Goodbye Kansas has always strived to work with the best talent in the industry, and it has been a very rewarding experience to team up not only with the great people at Epic Games but also incredible talent from the film industry, intersecting creative minds and technology pioneers in ways never seen before.”

You can check out the cinematic above to see what Goodbye Kansas and Deep Forest Films have brought to life for yourself. Videos like this aren’t a new thing, as game engine developers have often had cinematics like this made to showcase their engine’s development potential, and the amount of power contained within Unreal Engine is extremely evident in Troll. What's even more amazing about this, is that the entire demo runs off of a single RTX 2080Ti, which should give you an idea of how optimized everything is.

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