Google acquires cloud migration company Alooma

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Google has acquired another major player in the cloud space, as it just announced on Tuesday that it's looking to acquire the cloud migration company Alooma.

According to Google's cloud chief Thomas Kurian, of the Alooma acquisition, the company is looking to "accelerate" growth faster than other projects in the past. Google is hungry for more cloud storage solutions, a la companies like Microsoft and Amazon.

Google didn't announce the price it will be paying for Alooma, which is currently based in Israel and California, but given Alooma having raised around $15 million from various sources, it was probably a pittance for the giant search company. Google took to the internet with an official announcement

"Alooma helps enterprise companies streamline database migration in the cloud with an innovative data pipeline tool that enables them to move their data from multiple sources to a single data warehouse." Google continued about what it was looking forward to and why the company was "excited":

"One of the things we're most excited about with Alooma is the deep expertise for both enterprise and open source databases that their team brings to Google Cloud, which will be critical in helping us build out additional migration capabilities within Google Cloud Platform. We're also looking forward to adding to our growing Google Cloud footprint in Israel, which includes the Velostrata team we added last summer."

As additional details come out about the acquisition, we'll keep you updated. Stay tuned to Shacknews for additional updates. In the meantime, you can check out this lengthy blog on the matter as well, which has a few interesting insights you can pore over if you're curious about how things will work with Google taking over from Alooma. It's pretty interesting, if you're into following business insights like these as they happen.