Anthem servers down - Check EA server live status

Published , by Kevin Tucker

Sometimes game servers go down, and the EA Anthem servers are no exception. Depending on how many players are trying to join a game or whether or not Anthem has been updated recently, the EA servers may not always want to let players get into a session. Of course, being unable to connect to Anthem servers isn't necessarily due to EA. Here's how to rule out any other sort of connection issues by checking the live status of EA's Anthem servers.

Anthem server status - How to see if EA servers are down

With an online-focused game like Anthem, players tend to know when servers go down. Joining the game will prompt an error message that says "We're sorry, but the EA servers have reached max capacity. Please try again later." That sort of message should be clue enough that Anthem servers are offline, but there is a way to check in order to make sure.

When EA Anthem servers are up, a message like this will appear.

Users can see whether EA servers are down or not by heading over to the official Anthem server status website. Not only does it display a large banner with the current EA server status, it also provides a brief message describing any sort of adjustments being made to the servers or game.

In addition to using EA's official server status website, players can also check pages like DownDetector to see if other users are reporting outages. These sort of services only account for user reports, of course, so they may not accurately reflect the current conditions like the official page. An even better way would be to stop by the EA Help Twitter account, which should provide the latest updates concerning server outages or anything else that might cause Anthem to go offline.

If Anthem servers are down, it shouldn't be long before they are back up. Even when the Anthem demo servers went down right as the trial went live, EA was quick to get the servers back up and report any updates to the official server status page. If anything changes, that will be the place to look first. Keep on top of other guides for BioWare's latest action-adventure title by heading over to Shacknews' Anthem home page.