SCUM update patch notes focus on bugs, exploits

Published , by Charles Singletary Jr

In response to some unkind evaluations from gamers, Gamepires would like the world to know that the team's "dead" survival game is getting a new update. SCUM last received an update in late December and some other development happenings around that time may paint a negative picture, but patch shows that development continues onward.

The brunt of the patch notes for update focuses on bug fixes, exploit fixes, and quality-of-life changes for the dedicated community still attempting to survive SCUM's dangerous world. Below, you'll find some highlights from the SCUM Steam page and you can read the full breakdown there.

Bug and exploit fixes

Balance and quality-of-life changes

Landscape and architecture fixed

New admin commands


A few days ago, Gamepires' marketing manager Tena published a lengthy letter to the community that included work-in-progress info for upcoming SCUM content. The team recently moved to a new office, opening up more space for new hires. A chunk of the letter is related to complaints from the community that have been addressed in the latest patch. The Gamepires team has also been working on some updated weapon animations, a new crossbow, and some "super secret cool new stuff".

SCUM is available now in Early Access on Steam for $19.99. Stay tuned to Shacknews for additional updates.