Ace Combat 7 controls - PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Published , by Kevin Tucker

Flight combat games can be daunting to those who are unfamiliar, but the controls in Ace Combat 7 have been created with ease of access in mind. There may be a few unexpected surprises among the button layouts for both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but players who know the series or those comfortable with new video games shouldn't have too much trouble taking command over their aircraft. Here are the basic controls and button commands for Ace Combat 7 on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, including details for the Expert control scheme for more confident fliers.

Ace Combat 7 controls and controller button mapping

Here are all of the basic controls and button commands for Ace Combat 7. It's worth mentioning that the game's menu also allows users to cycle between two different input types, Type A and Type B, for customization of the yaw/acceleration and radar map/switch weapon commands. The controls listed below are given for the default setup for the basic control type.

The basic control layout for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
Command PlayStation 4 Xbox One
Pitch/Turn/Roll Left Analog Left Analog
Camera Right Analog Right Analog
Yaw Left L1 LB
Yaw Right R1 RB
Decelerate L2 LT
Accelerate R2 RT
Change View R3 RS
Flare L3 + R3 LS + RS
Toggle Radar Map Touchpad View
Fire Machine Gun X A
Fire Missile/Weapon O B
Change Target Triangle Y
Change Weapon Square X
Pause Menu Options Menu
The Expert control scheme for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

In addition to the normal control scheme, Ace Combat 7 also incudes an Expert control scheme. The differences between the two small but relatively substantial: The Expert control scheme notably uses the horizontal axis of the left analog stick to control the craft's roll instead of its yaw. The player can still adjust yaw manually using the controller's bumpers, or the triggers if acceleration and yaw input is switched to Type B.

Checking back over the basic buttons and controls for Ace Combat 7 should help PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players make the most out of Bandi Namco's latest flight-based game. Keep on top of all the latest Ace Combat developments, including fresh news and other detailed guides, by heading over to Shacknews' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown home page.