Elon Musk teases new video games coming to Tesla Model 3, S and X

Published , by Brittany Vincent

If you're rich enough to own a Tesla, you can expect to see some fun extras coming to the line of cars before the end of 2019.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter today to make the announcement. "Super fun software Easter eggs coming to all Tesla S/3/X cars before the holidays! Romance mode, toilet humor & more video games," he wrote. It's unclear at this time what "romance mode" or "toilet humor" actually refers to, but we like the sound of video games. Give us the video games. 

Are you tired of this picture yet? 

Some users took to Twitter to ask Musk about what kind of games might be coming to the cars, and Musk stated they tried to license Mario Kart from Nintendo, but Nintendo apparently refused to do so. Unsurprising, but a few Tesla fans can dream, can't they? Previously, Musk has stated that several classic Atari games are hidden as Easter eggs in the vehicles' latest software update, after intending to include titles like Tempest, Missile Command, and Pole Position.

By October, games like Asteroids, Lunar Lander, and Missile Command were available in the cars via software update and you can actually play them, if you know what you're doing. These additions are very cool ideas when it comes to giving users fun extras, but we're very curious what Musk means when he says "romance mode" and "toilet humor." Probably fart jokes, and that's all well and good, but will romance mode play sexy music with mood lighting or do some other wacky thing? We'll have to wait and see, as it appears Musk is currently keeping mum about what's next for Tesla software.

In the meantime, hopefully Musk continues to tweet out clues to help us figure it out, because it sounds like some really interesting stuff to investigate. Not exactly what a car needs since people already scroll through Facebook like brainless zombies at traffic lights, but it's still a brilliant idea. All cars should have some way to entertain us while we're not driving, right?