Check out this Breath of the Wild GameBoy Color de-make

Published , by Brittany Vincent

If you're a massive The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild fan like our own Asif Khan, CEO and Chief Puppy Wrangler, you'll want to take a close look at this one.

This fantastic video, created by the talented folks at Nintendo Wire, explores the possibilities with Breath of the Wild, reimagined as a Game Boy Color title in the vein of games like Oracle of Ages or Oracle of Seasons. This de-make is really something to behold, as it takes you from the beginning of Breath of the Wild through combat, menu navigation, and a slew of other cool stuff.

The resemblance to the old games is uncanny, and it really makes you wonder: What would a Game Boy Color version of this expansive Switch game actually look like? The answer to that is awesome, no doubt.

For comparison, be sure to check out the first 15 minutes of the game and see what similarities you can spot. It's really impressive, what the team was able to do. Would you play a Game Boy version of the game? Let us know in the comments below!